
1、英语邀请函的正确格式范文1 英文邀请函一般正式的文体前面都不空格,且段落间是要空一行的。

2、英文的邀请函 篇9 邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence)。

3、邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。


1、交流会邀请函 篇1 各位媒体朋友, 您好! 现诚邀阁下于20xx年8月20日出席科勒艺术展暨设计市活动。科勒的艺术/工业合作项目在美国享有盛名。

2、交流会的邀请函范文一 尊敬的同行们、朋友们:您好!时光飞逝,岁月如梭。转眼间我们即将走过20xx年。

3、会议邀请函1 尊敬的xx: 您好 20xx年xx月xx日,第十三届中国国际电子商务研讨会将盛大召开!中国电子商务行业的风云人物、贡献卓著的弄潮精英,将在中国北京又一次聚首,群贤毕至,同觞共咏。


InvitationLetter-邀请函英语作文网整理收集 英语作文的邀请函模板(篇2) 汉浯提示:你们班级要举行宴会庆祝教师节,请写一封邀请函邀请一位老师参加你们的宴会。

英语作文邀请函1 XXXX学院XXX届校园招聘会 邀请函 尊敬的用人单位:衷心感谢贵单位一直以来对我校发展及毕业生就业工作的支持与帮助。


英语邀请函7 邀请函格式 邀请函是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的`请约性书信。它是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种。 邀请函的格式主要有四个部分,分别是标题、称谓、正文、落款。

邀请函英语作文带翻译:Dear Mike,This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me。 I am glad to invite you to e to the party。


1、英语邀请函的正确格式范文1 英文邀请函一般正式的文体前面都不空格,且段落间是要空一行的。




5、邀请信英语作文模板(一): Dear ___,Therewill be a ___(资料)atin ___(地点)on___(时光)。We would be honored to have you there with us。Theoccasion will start at ___(具体时光)。


英语邀请函的正确格式范文1 英文邀请函一般正式的文体前面都不空格,且段落间是要空一行的。

InvitationLetter-邀请函英语作文网整理收集 英语作文的邀请函模板(篇2) 汉浯提示:你们班级要举行宴会庆祝教师节,请写一封邀请函邀请一位老师参加你们的宴会。



邀请函 和请柬,均属于对客人发出邀请时使用的专用礼仪信函。而英文版本的写作又将如何呢?以下是我带来邀请信的写作 方法 ,希望对各位英学习者有帮助。






邀请函 和请柬国外博士邀请信模板,均属于对客人发出邀请时使用国外博士邀请信模板的专用礼仪信函。而英文版本国外博士邀请信模板的写作又将如何呢?以下是国外博士邀请信模板我带来邀请信的写作 方法 ,希望对各位英学习者有帮助。


邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。邀请信是在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也是很考究。书写时应注意:

邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。例如:“I’d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.”


1. 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon

Dear [Zhang Ying]:

Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?

My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. Do say you’ll come!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


2. 邀请朋友同国外博士邀请信模板他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers

Dear [Susan]:

I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr. and Mrs. Lin dun]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too.

[Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer. They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting]. I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.

We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming



邀请信英语作文模板(一): Dear ____________,

Therewill be a ____________(资料)atin ____________(地点)on____________(时光)。We would be honored to have you there with us。

Theoccasion will start at ____________(具体时光)。This will be followed by a ____________(进一步的安排)。 Ataround ____________(时光), ____________(另一个安排)。

Ireally hope you can make it。 RSVP before ____________(通知你的最终期限)。




Dear sirmadam:

On [date], we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of [name], President of [pany]。 You are cordially invited to attend the celebration at [hotel], [location], on [date] from to p。m。

[name] has been the President of [pany] since [year]。 During this period, [pany] expanded its business from to 。 Now it's our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement。 Please join us to say Good-bye to [name]。

See you on [date]。

Yours sincerely




Dear sirmadam:

We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new [product]。 The presentation will take place at [location], at [time] on [date]。 There will also be a reception at [time]。 We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend。

[pany] is a leading producer of high-quality 。 As you well know, recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public。 Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers。

We look forward to seeing you on [date]。 Just call our office at [phone number] and we will be glad to secure a place for you。

Sincerely yours,






May 5,201X

Dear Mike

This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15.

My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

True yours,Daniel
